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Add: No. 286 fruit and vegetable food market in Wuxi Xicheng Road

Tel: +86-510-83198966



Cherry ---- how to pick cherries
Posted by:admin  Published:2013/7/29 14:00:56  Click:2438
    ① see cherry color. Cherry exterior color if it is dark red or dark red , usually rather sweet . The most sweet dark red , bright red is a slightly sour .
② see cherry size and shape . Although some small cherry market , which should be species problem . But personally still think a great big cherry tall point . Another was the whole D-word oblate shape cherries , stems position pedicle more powerful concave parts will be more sweet cherries .
③ see cherry hardness. Gently pinch cherries , if it is flexible , very thick , that illustrate this sweet cherries , water is relatively plentiful. Conversely, if the cherry is very soft , that description is too familiar .
④ see cherry epidermis. Cherry pick the time , it is best to choose a hard outer skin is slightly better , because it does not go drill cherry fruit fly , do not leave eggs. Also the most cherry shiny skin healthy, fresh , delicious.
⑤ see cherry without folds . The most important thing is to eat fresh cherries , cherry fruit if the surface means have a wrinkled fruit dehydration, moisture may deteriorate or missing , so do not choose to Oh .
⑥ see cherry at the bottom of the stems . Cherry pick depends on its bottom stems , if there is the phenomenon of black , it means that is not new , it should be to pick the green .
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Copyright (c) WUXI NONGDA INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.,LTD. China imported fruit supplier
Add: No. 286 fruit and vegetable food market in Wuxi Xicheng Road  Tel: +86-510-83198966
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